Working Together Apart!

How to Bring Your Team Together When Everyone is Virtual

There are lots of articles and podcasts out there right now, championing the best ways to lead while your folks are working from home. But the secret to being an Extraordinary Leader during these unusual times is to keep your focus on building the team ... even while they are "working together apart!" Sometimes that sounds a lot easier than it is. But you can do it!

Here are three actions (plus a BONUS)  that are often overlooked -- and will set you apart as an Extraordinary Leader in the eyes of your team!

Bring team members together for check-ins other than work-related topics

Part of the benefit of working in an office is the sense of camaraderie and community people feel. Being at home can create a sense of isolation and a feeling of missing out on important information. Schedule regular 30-minute virtual huddle meetings that focus on everyone giving a quick update, then sharing something inspirational or posing a question everyone can weigh in on. Continue to create a sense of community even while you’re not together physically. Apps like Slack can offer a safe meeting place for employees to share images, ideas, and information.

Check in one-on-one with your team members

Find out how each one is doing, how work is progressing, what they need from you, and re-clarify any expectations. Remember, even though people are working from home, there are still activities that need to be completed. Being apart does not free you from the responsibility of providing coaching and performance feedback on a regular basis.

Provide guidance on how to set up a home office area, and tips to manage the balancing of home versus work when it all comes together in one place

Be sure you are knowledgeable about the technology tools you will all be using, and ensure each employee receives the training and equipment they need to be productive and feel like a part of the team. Do not assume everyone knows how to use the current technology! You could even lead a few team building events online, designed to help the team understand and practice using the new technologies together.

BONUS! Model the behavior you expect!

If you expect your employees to practice professionalism even as they work together apart, then you need to demonstrate it as well. If you are requiring frequent communication among employees, then you need to be sure you are providing regular updates and making yourself available for them to contact you. If you want your folks to exhibit positive attitudes, then be sure you are sending out that inspiring, uplifting energy when you connect with them. See every situation as a moment to practice a Mentoring Mindset!

Here's to seeing nothing but possibilities!

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