Let Us Make Your Life Easier With Our

Virtual ZOOM Services

Are you experiencing the YOYO Effect?

So what is the YOYO Effect? It's that feeling that "You're On Your Own!" We want you to know you're NOT alone! In fact, we have created several very special virtual experiences, designed to make your life easier, and to bring people together to ensure you stay connected and focused, even while you're "working together apart!"

Here's a sneak peek at what we're offering you virtually, through ZOOM:



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This will take you to our scheduler, where you can request a call with us! 

Welcome to Our New Virtual Turbo-Training

Interactive & Engaging

Our programs go way beyond the typical online training sessions that simply move through a pack of slides. We have dedicated ourselves to become fluent in creating interaction and engagement as part of every program we offer. Our unparalleled debriefing brings every activity home with powerful connections to improve productivity, communication, and engagement.

Turbo-Training Concept

We've discovered the optimum length for online sessions is from 30-90 minutes. After that, Digital Fatigue sets in! So we've designed our programs to follow the best practice of being short, power-packed, and engaging! Nothing extends beyond 90 minutes for one sitting, and our average timeframe  is an hour. This ensures the biggest Return-On-Investment.


Every session is customized specifically for you, your employees, and your Leadership Team. With our pre-program calls and surveys (all included), you get to choose what end results will make you say WOW! And we always include, at no extra charge, a nice handout in a PDF format that is immediately downloadable, to use for follow-up and reinforcement.

Our 3 Most Popular Turbo-Training Programs

(and we have tons more that can be customized for you!)

Working Together Apart
Bringing your Team Together

Packed with specific tools to ensure the team is able to:

  •  communicate effectively with each other;
  • plan so you are prepared for the next phase of this unique adventure we call the pandemic; and
  •  collaborate to keep your team connected and engaged (and creatively productive).

Creating Extraordinary Customers: Journey Map
With a NEW Touchpoint: Staying Digitally Connected

Get acquainted with our unique "Creating Extraordinary Customers: Journey Map", which includes a brand new Touchpoint we have added: Staying Digitally Connected. Through a powerful and interative process, you will identify the key touchpoints of customer interaction, and learn to create specific Marker Memory Moments to guarantee the emotional connection that will keep your customers with you for life! Together we will: 

  • identify specific ways to keep your customers/clients engaged and connected through all the stages of the journey;
  • explore concepts such as "Over-the-Top, Out-of-the-Box Moments;" "Emotional Connection;" and "Customer Experience Wheel;" 
  • apply virtual tools to each of the stages within the Journey Map; and
  • learn how to turn "Tough-Points" into powerful Touchpoints!

Extraordinary Leadership
Connecting With Your 7 Core Abilities to Bring Out the Extraordinary Abilities in Others

Based on Cher Holton's popular book, Extraordinary Leadership, this turbo-training introduces the 7 Core Abilities and how to access them at the highest, most effective level. Follow-up sessions can be added that explore each Core Ability at a deeper level, and to address specific skills to build skills as an Extraordinary Leader.

Let Us Make Your Life Easier!

Think-Tank Sessions/Coaching/


What? How? Logistics

Everyone needs some targeted help to excel -- and we offer exceptional mentoring and coaching to zero in on specific issues. Sessions are conducted via Zoom, can be private or group, and are customized to the needs of the individual(s) involved. Timing is flexible, and our processes are uniquely facilitated using an ecclectic approach of the best-of-the-best practices.

Topics Areas

Areas we focus on include:

  • leadership skills;
  • presentation skills;
  • customer relationships; 
  • interpersonal skills;
  • business-style meditation, &
  • personal/career development.

Value-Added Bonus

With every session, we include a link to some kind of follow-up tool that summarizes the key points of the session and commitments made, and unlimited email/phone access to us, to support the work that is being done, throughout the life of our work together.

Get Your Leadership Team Involved and Engaged -- 

Let Us Create a Virtual Leadership Think Tank

What is a Think Tank?

Our Virtual Leadership Think tank is a Zoom session designed to create a safe and stimulating environment to question and explore all things related to being an Extraordinary Leader. This includes topics related to empowering people, giving & receiving feedback, enhancing engagement, handling difficult employee issues, and more! You bring the issues! This is a place to "question unquestioned answers" and deep-dive into leadership situations people are yearning to talk about but don't know how or where to do it. The key to success is our style of facilitating these powerful sessions!


We offer two styles of Virtual Leadership Think Tanks: Focused Topic or Anything Goes!

Focused Topic sessions are exactly what the title says: we choose a specific topic or issue you've identified, create a context and offer some mini-tips to get things rolling, and then facilitate the discussion around that topic.

Anything Goes sessions have no identified topic. We kick it off by generating topic areas from the group, then facilitate a discussion that intertwines the topics and provides opportunity to explore them all. 


Every Virtual Spiritual Café Experience is facilitated with skill, compassion, respect, and understanding. With lots of interaction and discussion, there is an emphasis on getting to root causes and reaching common ground on solutions. There are no hidden agendas -- just the opportunity to ask those questions you've always wanted to ask, but were afraid of being judged!

Leadership Think Tanks are the secret weapon of Extraordinary Leaders!

Team Building and Conferences -- 

Yes, You Can Do It Virtually!

Retreat Forward™ Events

We've created amazing virtual events that allow your team to "Retreat" from the day-to-day challenges of work, rejuvenate and create stronger connections with each other, so they can literally catapult Forward when they return to their regular routines! Our distinctive approach is extremely interactive, and can focus on:

  • enhancing group cohesiveness, camaraderie, & trust;
  • appreciate individual differences & work styles;
  • clarify roles & expectations;
  • enhance problem solving and creativity; and
  • celebrate success!

Keynotes & Breakouts

Keynotes & breakpout sessions, when done virtually, require a special flair and expertise so interest is captured, participants are engaged, and power messages are delivered! There is a special art to delivering a meaningful and successful keynotes and breakouts through virtual technology -- and we pride ourselves on being able to make it happen with pizzazz! Using a variety of tools that encourage audience participation (regardless of the size), we transform the virtual stage into an environment of fun, learning, and success.  

Virtual Hallways

The most powerful part of any conference is what happens between the sessions, when folks get to meet new people or colleagues gather new ideas.

We facilitate a virtual breakout room process that allows people to simulate that precious hallway time and reap the bonus rewards of being part of your amazing conference!

Your Financial Investment

We've created a special "Virtual Investment" that brings us to you at a fraction of the cost, with no travel expenses and complete flexibility in terms of scheduling. Your investment is all-inclusive. 

Click Here to Get Started!

This will take you to our Scheduler, where you can request a meeting with us!

OR ... use the form below to contact us via email!

  • Turbo-Training Sessions: Starting at $3,500/each 30-90 minute Turbo-Training Session (no limit to number of people, includes PDF handouts)
  • Think Tanks, Mentoring, Coaching: Starting at $250/hour, with special 3-month packages through our exclusive Retainer option.
  • Retreats and Conference Experiences: Starting at $5,000. Your investment depends on the nature of your specific needs and scope. Contact us so we can create a no-obligation proposal specifically for you! 
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