One Word Challenge


Build Team Productivity with the One Word Challenge

As a leader, start off this year with a team activity that can build team productivity for the entire year! Forget about the useless task of encouraging the team to write resolutions. It’s a waste of precious time, and does not inspire anyone for any substantive amount of time.

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How to Handle Sluggish Teams with Surge Capacity


Every leader needs to understand Surge Capacity and its impact on the productivity of the team! Discover the AC-DC Model as a powerful tool to revitalize your team and boost productivity.

How to Develop a Mentoring Mindset as a Leader


A Mentoring Mindset is one of the most valuable core abilities a leader can develop. Discover how to develop a Mentoring Mindset so you see every situation as a learning opportunity; stay in touch with what your people are doing, and casually or intentionally provide guidance, wisdom, skills, recommendations, and resources to grow the professional maturity and ability of all your people.

How to Handle Difficult People



As long as people have words and emotions, we will have difficult encounters in the workplace that sabotage success! In fact, one of the biggest reasons I am called in to organizations is to facilitate team building sessions to help people understand each other better and learn how to be extraordinary as a team, even if team members don’t necessarily “like” each other.

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Postive Feedback


Five tips leaders can learn to give positive feedback to employees. Harvard research says employees need 6:1 ratio of positive to negative feedback, but we never teach leaders how to do it effectively. Here are five tips to build the skill of giving feedback to improves productivity and employee engagement.

Are You an Engagement-Driven Leader?


Here’s a quick quiz based on research-driven characteristics, that can help you see if you are an “Engagement-Driven Leader.” Check yourself out, then come back and identify the characteristics where you need help. Create a personal action plan to begin developing your leadership skills, so you can truly be extraordinary!

5 Lessons About Employee Engagement We Can Learn From Children!


Sometimes the best lessons about employee engagement come to us from children! Here are my five biggest take-aways from watching my grandson at play with children he did not know. I invite you to consider integrating into your leadership style as you build an environment conducive to engagement and commitment.

How to Amp Up Employee Engagement Using Four Extraordinary Leadership Techniques


Extraordinary leaders are always looking for ways to get their employees more engaged, enthusiastic, productive, and passionate about their jobs. Here are four ways leaders can create an employee engagement-rich environment.

An Alternative to Employee Engagement Surveys


Are Employee Engagement Surveys really helpful? In my work as an Impact Consultant specializing in Extraordinary Leadership, I have seen Employee Engagement Surveys used as a “have to do” exercise rather than a strategic part of the business strategy. Let’s get rid of the surveys and try this technique.

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