How do we set goals that are rigged on the side of success? If you know us, you know how much we love to dance — so we decided to use one of our favorite dances as a model! So here goes: Measure your goals and objectives against the RUMBA Formula:

- Relevant: Does the goal have a direct relationship to your mission, the services you provide and the expectations of your customers? Will a positive change have a positive effect on your bottom line?
- Understandable: Is the goal clear? Does everyone who needs to be involved have the same picture of what it means? Is there any ambiguity about what is expected, and what success looks like? If so, it needs to be clarified.
- Measurable: How will you know when you have achieved the goal? Measures may be tangible or intangible, but should be clearly defined and understood by everyone involved. Measures need to include a completion date, when appropriate.
- Believable: Do you really believe the goal can be achieved in the timeframe set? Avoid the temptation of setting lofty goals to stretch people . . . it creates a futile feeling of inadequacy and impossibility. Instead, set goals that are just beyond reach, but not out of sight.
- Accountable: Does everyone involved in achieving the goal understand how they will be held accountable? Do they have the appropriate resources, authority and skills to do what is expected?
Use these five elements to measure every goal you establish—for yourself and for your employees. When goals meet the RUMBA test, the chances of success skyrocket!

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