Power Up Your Engagement … and Celebrate Productive Team Members and Loyal Customers


We offer high impact, interactive, customized programs focusing on Leadership, Team Building, Employee Engagement, and Customer Loyalty! You can take advantage of our in-house programs, one-on-one coaching, webinars, and other resources. Here’s a peek at our most-requested programs. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Let us know and if it’s in our wheelhouse, we will customize a program just for you! And if not, we will do our best to refer you to one of our highly-qualified colleagues!

We believe when people understand what is expected and believe they are valued as legitimate team members, they’ll drive themselves to unbelievable excellence.

(Cher & Bil Holton)

LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS: These programs are designed to help leaders, managers, and supervisors “power up” employee engagement by leading in a way that helps people be their best!

  • Extraordinary Leadership: Connecting with Your Extraordinary Abilities to Bring Out the Extraordinary Abilities of Others
  • The Manager’s Short Course to a Long Career: Critical leadership skills and how to use them to lead, mentor, and excel
  • Leadership Think Tank: Unique facilitated learning opportunities where leaders determine root causes of issues, and create powerful action plans for success
  • IF/Then …: Learning the art of Inner Focus to be an extraordinary leader
  • Doing Business As …: A powerful workshop designed to help leaders recognize their own work style preferences as well as understanding the preferred styles of others … and how to use “style flexing” to be effective

EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT: These programs are appropriate for all employees.

  • Living at the Speed of Life: Staying in control in a World Gone Bonkers! Discover strategies to bring harmony to life and handle fear, stress, time robbers, and difficult people.
  • Creating Extraordinary Customer Loyalty: How to use research-proven best practices to treat your customers like royalty and build loyalty that will pay off in huge ways.
  • Employee Focus Groups: Two-hour sessions with small groups of employees, designed to identify critical issues affecting both employee engagement and customer loyalty. (Typically works in conjunction with a Leadership Think Tank, to feed back results and create actionable goals.)

TEAM BUILDING: These highly customized programs build team cohesiveness, boost engagement, and bring your folks together in results-oriented ways that make a difference immediately!

  • Building Extraordinary Teams –We will when I will!: Jump start your teams by building cohesiveness; clarifying goals, roles, and expectations; and boosting morale and positive attitudes with this highly interactive and powerful team building like no other your folks have ever experienced!
  • Retreat Forward™: RETREAT from the frustrations and frantic pace of the normal work environment to participate in a variety of customized activities that are thoroughly debriefed, so the team can leap FORWARD rejuvenated, revitalized, and ready to create unparalleled success.
  • TeamProv™: A unique team relationship concept developed by the Holtons that incorporates Improv Theatre Games into a team building session, designed to enhance creative problem solving, thinking on your feet, adapting to change, and building trust, interdependence, and camaraderie.

Presenting With Pizzazz: Programs designed to improve the presentation skills of Executives, Managers, Subject Matter Experts, and In-House Trainers.

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