30-Day Challenge:
2024 Gratitude Challenge
It’s that time of year again … time for our Extraordinary Leadership 30-Day Gratitude Challenge!
Are you up for the challenge?
The business world needs an Attitude of Gratitude now more than ever … and this challenge maximizes your ability as an Extraordinary Leader to send the energy of generosity into the workplace ... and experience incredible returns!
There is a multitude of research supporting the positive benefits of expressing gratitude. It is so easy to get caught up in the stress of our daily commitments, feel depressed by the negativity and fear sparked by events in our workplace (not to mention in our world), and feel sucked into the cynicism of those around us, that we forget to focus on what is most important — and we lose sight of our personal influence in creating a more positive environment! That’s why we created this 30-day Extraordinary Leadership Gratitude Challenge, for the month of November.
The challenge is to perform one specific act of “Intentional Gratitude” every day for the month of November … and notice the impact it has on your own attitude, and the attitude and productivity of those around you.
To help you out, we have created a Gratitude Calendar, specifically designed for Extraordinary Leaders, offering a gratitude suggestion for each day. We invite you to take the challenge, and share your feedback throughout these next 30 days by commenting on your experiences, a-ha’s, and results.
Here’s the calendar, with a link so you can download your own personal copy. Feel free to run as many as you like, and share them with your friends and colleagues! Let’s make November 2024 the most positive one ever, filled with an attitude of gratitude!

But wait! There's more!
We've created a Journal Sheet, designed to capture your experiences for each week. At the end of each week, we invite you to spend some meditative time, reflecting on how this practice is affecting you.

Share your experiences below, in the comments!
Affirming abundant success and amazing a-ha's as you live from an Attitude of Gratitude!
Be Extraordinary!
© 2024 HoltonConsulting.com - Cher Holton